Monday, June 22, 2009


If there is one thing that I've been hearing a lot it is about love. Especially during February (and we are not even on February!), this is a topic that is in the air (you know, "love is in the air"). Sometimes, we heard about it too much and we don't even realize how essential this matter is. Just last week, my mom asked me to speak at her small group on this topic and she handed me a booklet that they are following through. Man, it was a good refresh about the topic!

In Mark 12, Jesus speaks about the two greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor. The reason why these are the two greatest commandments are because they summarize the law that was given to Moses. I don't really know how many commandments were given to him, but I know there were hundreds and hundreds; yet, Jesus summarizes all those hundreds in only 2!

If we love God we won't act against Him. In the same way, if we love our neighbor, we won't harm them. It's as easy as that, yet we sometimes struggle to love each other. We are just not perfect.

It's very hard to love everyone, but when we realize that we have been loved with an unmeasurable love there is no other way. I know, I'm probably number one on the list for not loving as I should, but the key is trying. So, let's try everyday.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


When I started this blog, a while ago, I meant for it to be written in Spanglish. That concept didn't work too well, so I have decided that I will start another blog in Spanish (link), while at the same time keeping this one. I have done so because it's uncomfortable to be reading stuff in spanglish when you don't fully understand the other language. My purpose isn't either to write the same thing on this blog as I do on the Spanish one, I will keep them different, although from time to time I will post the same in both laguages. We will see how it goes.

So, I'm back now. I have been wanting to write a full length entry, but I haven't had the time, and honestly I want to expand on it for a little while. I'm trying to write about love. I will hopefully post it within the next week or so.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ministry School System?

Lately, I have heard observations concerning if going to Bible school is the best option or not to become a minister. I have heard commentaries of people who think ministers can be created by just reading the Bible and praying, and applying all these disciplines to their lives. But is it really only about practicing these disciplines? Well, it is a big portion of it, but there is also another portion that we need from our professors and learning systems (school).

I attend Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Southwestern highly emphasizes a base of Bible courses for all the majors offered. As part of degree plan requirements, every student has to take 28 credits of specific courses among Bible, religion, or theology. I have personally learned so much from these classes. A very important part of the success of these classes is the professors that teach them. Since SAGU was founded as a ministry preparation school, it has a vast number of professors in this area. It's interesting to sit in the different classes and learn from the professors’ own experiences and methods. Moreover, having professors from different paths of life gives a good balance to our school and keeps the classes more neutral. None of them have the same teaching style.

Among these general Bible classes, there are those that teach about the core doctrines of our fellowship, the Assemblies of God. These “fundamental truths” were created to regulate what we as a fellowship believe in. It helped the founders of the AG to keep a biblical preaching, in times where heretical messages were arising. Because every believer is a minister whether they go into full-time ministry or not, SAGU is doing a good job teaching the new generation of ministers the principles on which their believes should be based.

(For further information about the AG doctrines visit:

Not only the knowledge is important, but also most people around the world are becoming more and more educated. If we as Christians don’t take the initiative to learn and be the most educated we can, will we be portraying the image of an ignorance gospel to a world that is becoming more educated?

Let’s think about it again. Having Christian universities does not affect the work of the Spirit in a person, rather it strengthens its future ministry by well defined believes and better preparation. A better-trained believer is more helpful than one who likes to stand in ignorance.

(By the way, I didn’t try to make this all about SAGU, but since it’s the school I attend, and their teaching material and professors are great, I decided that it would be a good example. I suppose there is more schools out there, I’m just not as acquainted).

If you are planning to attend a Bible school (or actually any school away from home), make sure you assist regularly a Church where there is a good biblical teaching. Also, get plugged in as soon as you can, ministry opportunities usually give you more chances to get to know the pastors or leaders within the church; that can be very influential for you.

Feel free to comment, and/or add anything.
God bless.

What in the World!

Ok, I'm sorry I have had a delay of almost a year. It's been a while since I wrote here. But what in the world, when I check my counter there's like 553 views. Well, that's a lot. I think the last time I checked it was under 100. I guess you people were expecting more postings. I will be writing again soon. I don't have much time, but I really need to start writing just to write.

Much love and many blessings.
